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This page is our Practice Information Brochure formatted to the website. True copies are available free at reception.


Our practice is committed to providing comprehensive primary health care to all individuals and families in this community. Our reception staff are available to help you with making appointments and all enquiries.


Sapphire Family Medical Practice


Shops 2 & 3,

95-99 Bronte Road,

Bondi Junction

NSW 2022


Phone (02) 8188 2568

Fax (02) 9386 9472


After Hours (02) 8188 2568

Private After Hours Service 137 425


Emergency 000

POW Hospital (02) 9382 2222




Opening Hours


Monday 8am - 6pm

Tuesday 8am - 6pm

Wednesday 8am - 6pm

Thursday 8am - 6pm

Friday 8am - 6pm

Saturday 8am - 2pm

Closed Sunday & Public Holidays


Doctors at the Practice


Dr Daria (Dasha) Fielder

BSc (Med) MBBS FRACGP Diploma Child Health


Dr Karla Urmoneit



Dr Sonia van Gessel 




Anthea Theofanou

Reception Staff








Services Available

In addition to all aspects of general practice we provide:

  • Antenatal Shared Care

  • Health Check Ups

  • Mental Health

  • Immunisations

  • Pap Smears

  • Travel Vaccinations

  • Iron Infusions/Vitamin Injections

  • Men/Women’s Health

  • Cosmetic Anti-Wrinkle Injections and Fillers

  • Skin rejuvenation advice and peels


Privacy Policy


Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times & to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff.


We run an appointment system but do keep some times open to fit in urgent problems. You can make an appointment with your doctor by telephoning the surgery or our online booking system. Urgent medical problems will be dealt with by the ‘on call’ doctor of the day. Follow up with your usual GP will be arranged as appropriate. Appointments are usually made at 15 minute intervals, so you can expect to spend 10-15 minutes with your doctor. This may change if there have been emergencies or if the surgery is very busy.


Longer consultation times can be arranged when booking appointment if you have more than one problem to discuss with your doctor.


If you cancel appointment in less than 24 hours full cancelation fee will apply and must be paid prior to any further bookings 




ALL results require a follow up appointment normal fees will incur as per our practice fees.

Results cannot be discussed over the phone at any time.



We are a private billing practice; we do not bulk bill. All billings are up to the Doctors discretion and depend on complexity, duration and equipment used during the consultation Consultations will attract a fee and will qualify for a rebate from Medicare. The current fee

schedule is displayed in reception. We ask that all accounts be paid at the time of consultation. We accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express. We charge a small fee of 1% for credit card payments.


Recall and Reminder systems


This practice routinely uses a recall system to help you keep track of important health

maintenance matters. This provides timely reminders of when follow up consultations are required for such things as immunisations, blood tests or pap smears. You

need to tell us if you do not wish to participate in this system.


Phone Calls

The Doctors will take any urgent calls, otherwise patients are welcome to leave a detailed message and their calls will be returned as soon as possible, this will usually occur in 24-48 hours.


We do not communicate with our patients via email.


Patient Feedback


We invite all patients to complete our practice survey held at the reception desk. We encourage your feedback. If at any time you are unhappy about any aspects of our service or the care that you receive from this practice please feel free to talk to your doctor or the receptionist, about any problems that you encounter. Alternatively, you may wish to speak with the practice owner Dr Fielder or in event that you are not satisfied you can contact the


HealthCare Complaints Commission

Level 3, 323 Castlereagh Street Sydney

Tel. 9219 7444



After hours service


When the surgery is closed depending on urgency the patient may choose to leave a voicemail which is directed to our principal doctor’s phone. Alternatively a private facility can be contacted on137 425 for after-hours care. This number is provided on our answer phone message.


Home visits


If you are too sick to come to the surgery the Doctors can visit your home in times of emergency and when it is deemed safe to do so. Requests for house calls are best made before 11am. Charges apply. Patients are asked to call 000 for an ambulance or go to your nearest hospital if your condition is urgent.

Transfer of Medical Records


To obtain a copy of your medical records or for any medical record transfers please speak with our receptionist. Forms are kept at the reception desk for you to fill out if you wish to get your previous medical records sent to our practice. Our fee for transfer of individual record is $50 and for family is $100 and must be paid in full prior to transfer. 


Interpreter Service


Patients who do not speak or read the primary language English, or who have special communication needs are offered the choice of using the assistance of a language service to communicate with the Doctor. Please notify the reception if you need this service. Please note some of our doctors speak French, German and Russian in addition to English.

Patient’s right to participate in decisions about their healthcare


The General Practitioner encourages their patients’ rights to participate in decisions about their healthcare. If you have any questions regarding the purpose, the importance, benefits, risks and possible out of pocket costs associated with your treatment don’t hesitate to speak with the General Practitioner. There is also a range of leaflets and brochures available to support your decisions in the waiting room.


Sapphire Family Medical Practice

Shops 2&3, 95-99 Bronte Rd

Bondi Junction, NSW 2022

For Life-Threatening Emergencies Call 000
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© 2021 by Sapphire Family Medical Practice.

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